Friday, January 08, 2021

NAACP’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Lies Won’t Die with DeWine’s Bill Approval


Case in point, note how before DeWine had signed the bill, ABC’s Cincinnati affiliate, WCPO9, was giving voice to demonstrably false claims by “the local chapter of the NAACP” (as an aside, shouldn’t it now be the “NAAPOC”?). [More]

Who thinks a leftist agenda smearing defense of self, community, and country as racist is really about "commonsense gun safety"?


Mack said...

As is very clear, you understand DeWine very well.

Thank you for the clarification.

I wonder if he will run for President?

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that "TRAYVON'S LAW" is simply codification of the right and duty to defend oneself by whatever means necessary when attacked by a thug intent on doing grievous harm.

But then I'm just another deplorable.