Tuesday, February 02, 2021

At Least This Time He Doesn't Have to Wake Holder

 A spokesperson from the Department of Justice told ABC News that Acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson has been briefed on the shooting and is closely monitoring the situation. [More]

And we all remember what happened last time Monty was briefed...

I find it curious that the perp's identity has been withheld. Whenever that happens, my default suspicion is that a cleanup crew is purging social media or other sources of realities that are problematic for a narrative.

[Via Jess]


vintovka said...

Maybe this is the incident that will be used to justify a total "assault weapons" ban. Unless, of course, there's a spectacular false flag operation in the works...

Dad29 said...

the perp's identity has been withheld.

Sorta like the Killer Capitol Cop's??

Inquiring minds and all that.