Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Jojo Krako Thought Control

 Lara Trump, former President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law and Fox News contributor, reported on Tuesday evening that Facebook banned video from her account featuring the former president speaking and threatened to remove any further content posted “in the voice of Donald Trump” from its platform. [More]

I remember that episode:

Who's content providin'?

We're content restrictin'?

A supposed alternative, is presenting itself as an "Uncensored Platform Uniting People," and accepting name reservations. Before getting too excited, I'd note that the site is registered by proxy so there is no way to tell who is really behind it, and plenty of trustworthiness doubt is being raised. Between that and the obvious implication that the effort is Trump-related means that I'll give it a pass on volunteering any data to these folks and let those less wary than me be the testers.

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