Monday, March 22, 2021

Spider & the Fly

The Genocide Olympics - Calls growing to move 2022 Winter Olympics out of Beijing to avoid being complicit in China’s genocide of the Uighurs [More]

Also, from Agustin Blazquez - Cuban refugee and ACAT Speaker: 

Today I received the complete film PLANTADOS.  It's the story of Cuban political prisoners who refused to wear the uniform of common prisoners and preferred to be in their underwear.  I think this is a good teaching material for Americans to learn the horror of a communist prison and how the prisoners are treated, plus the condition that those prisons are inside and without proper food or medical attention and the constant beating by their jailers.  I can see that the producer of this film wants the film to circulate now to wake up Americans. The film has subtitles in English. [Watch]

It's almost two hours so I've got to carve out the time for that. I'm looking forward to it, though, and if the little bit I did find time for is any indication of the rest, I want to do it soon, and may even use it as the basis for an article.

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