Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Captain's Log

This commentary by Garcia reeks of a demand for agreement with Rob, with the tool of extortion being the appearance of lack of unity. [More]

I'm debating whether I want to sink into the Waive the Second cesspool again. Their trivialization, redirection, mischaracterization, and avoidance of the issues are just so full of crap and begging for evisceration...

Anybody think these characters are qualified to "reform" NRA?

1 comment:

DDS said...

Since you brought up the topic of "reform the NRA." From my perspective, the more we know about how deep the rot has penetrated into that organization, the more it looks like you'd have to adopt the method used to reform the Houston Oilers.

1. Fire all the personnel
2. Relocate the team.
3. Rename the team.

Voila! Ze trick, she is done!