Tuesday, April 06, 2021

The Real Racists

  I don’t know how many times I’ve heard gun restrictionists claim that if African Americans owned firearms in large numbers, conservatives would quickly turn on the Second Amendment. Yet, all gun advocates I see cheer it on. It seems to me that others are doing the scaremongering. [More]

True enough.

That's why they also spook women out of having and mastering (mistressing?) the means of self-defense.

If they were honest, they'd admit they don't believe their core constituents are capable of assuming the rights and responsibilities of free people.

But they're not honest, are they?

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as "racism." It's a nonsense word. It's a clumsy attempt to pathologize pattern recognition, no more, no less.

Human beings are instinctively tribal and territorial. It is our nature. It is grotesque to deny this.