Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Chipman Hearing

 The Senate Hearing is scheduled to start at 10am Eastern. [Watch]

Three points I'd like to see him unequivocally asked about in addition to everything else:

UPDATE: Chipman says the photo is not him. That leads to the question of who "leaked" it and if it was done as a setup so that everyone could pass it along and thus be discredited when he could pull this surprise announcement. 

UPDATE: In re Hunter Biden, he essentially says you have to confirm him before he can answer.

UPDATE: He says lying on the 4473 is a serious crime.  He says he was being "self-depreciating" and the gun owner he was referring to storing a gun in the cabinet behind the tuna and jerky was himself-- which flies in the face of all the "safe storage" mandates he has worked to impose on the rest of us.

UPDATE: He deflected saying Heller was a correct decision by saying "I'm a cop, not a lawyer..."

UPDATE: He is against armed guards in schools.

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