Monday, May 17, 2021

Look for This Narrative to Spread

 Equating Guns With Freedom Is a Toxic Myth That Hurts Us All [More]

Spoken like true slavemaster flacks.

Note the "Unreliable Narrators" subhead. This is very dangerous because we see how leftist social media outlets, ISPs, domain registrars, and the like shadowban, deplatform, demonetize and cancel anyone they feel like.

As the truism goes, it's not about guns, it's about freedom. 

So look for Twitter/Facebook warnings that their "independent fact-checkers" have declared statements like that to be false, violations of "community standards" and therefore not allowed, with repeat "offenders" kicked off. And look for that to spread.

They mean to stop the signal and destroy anyone who gets in their way.

[Via Michael G]


Bradlley A Graham said...

Civil wars occur when the victims are armed , Genocides occur when the victims are disarmed.

Henry said...

"It all comes down to messaging. Malik notes that the opinion-making class in the U.S. is overwhelmingly white, male, and politically center, right of center, or right-wing. She also points out how the right has created an intellectual infrastructure of think tanks and institutes that promote its values, leaving the left in total catch-up mode."

Which they do by looting stores, burning buildings, and murdering people in broad daylight. And they come out on top.

Anonymous said...

“Right-wing think tanks are much better endowed and have networks that have been established for far longer. " That dumb Brit has obviously never heard of the Brookings Institution. I can't think of another think tank that has had such a profound influence on American public policy. A position at Brookings is a guaranteed admission into a government post in a Democrat administration.

Anonymous said...

Someone remind her who George Soros is, what he intentionally did to the British economy to make a few bazillion pounds, and which country he has his sights on now.