Tuesday, May 18, 2021

So Much for Federalism

So, as 2021 brings forth new avenues for gun control extremists to present themselves, Eric Tirschwall of Everytown says that they’re going to fight/support this court action using the argument that “Federal Law Supersedes State Law.” If the court rules in favor of that, then it could have much more far reaching consequences for residents of Oregon, such as opening the door to get rid of legalized cannabis. [More]

And as long as we're talking "Supreme Law of the Land," what happened to "shall not be infringed"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'And as long as we're talking "Supreme Law of the Land," what happened to "shall not be infringed"?'

We're told that about 20,000 things happened. But I've never seen an actual list.

The phrase "nibbled to death by ducks come to mind.

I wonder if ducks like cake.
