Monday, July 26, 2021


 When I told journalists I was kneeling to draw attention to white supremacy and police brutality, a lot of white people took it incredibly personally.  [More]

Kind'a makes me want to go out there and give her sponsors my business.

Despite that, the parsers and hairsplitters, desperate to weasel-word the narrative, tell us she's not a "spokesperson" -- even though Subway says she is -- and kneeling was not a national anthem protest. Disregard that she admits wanting to show "solidarity" with Colon Kaepernick, who specifically explained his motivation:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”

She didn't "stomp" on the flag, either, her media apologists point out. She just mugged for the crowd and "inadvertently" rubbed her shoe against it instead of doing the American thing and picking it up off the ground and chastising her teammate who intentionally dropped it.

But speaking of "progressive" corporate backers, hey kids, who wants to play in Subway's "former" spokesmolester's pants?

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