Friday, July 09, 2021

The Offender Becomes the Offended

 Weissmann: ‘Anti-American’ for Tucker Carlson to Complain About NSA Surveillance [More]

I'm sorry, my eye wandered over to the other stories in the right-hand sidebar, I read "Megan Fox: 'Mean Awful, Cruel People' Online Judge My Son's Dresses" and I forgot what we were talking about.

Oh, yeah, what it means to be an American these days...

[Via Michael G]


Henry said...

“I send him to a really liberal, hippy school but even there, here in California, he still has little boys going like, ‘Boys don’t wear dresses,’ or ‘Boys don’t wear pink.’"

Hm. If everybody you meet all day is out of step, maybe it's you that's out of step.

David Codrea said...

I'd like to see her sit down with some Boko Haram survivors and compare versions of "mean, awful cruel people." Or maybe some Boko Haram adherents...