Thursday, July 01, 2021

When Chairs are Outlawed

 Jordana said that Dick was busted after he reportedly assaulted his lover Lucas [last name not provided] with a “metal chair.” [More]

As for "what went down over the weekend," it doesn't sound like "Lucas [last name not provided]" did...

But hey, ULLA SELLA 'n all that... except that's supposed to be a survival move.

And it's not the first time Andy's been a dick.

What do you do with someone who can't be trusted with a chair?

[Via Remarks]


Mack said...

Well - spot on!

Henry said...

Apparently, you sentence them to two weeks in jail, but then let them out after only one day.

'“I don’t know the difference between sexual harassment and trying to get a date,” the comedian said.'
Perhaps he has similar confusion between ADW and trying to get laid.