Monday, August 23, 2021

Hayden Comfort to the Enemy

Former General, CIA Chief Hayden Endorses Deporting Trump Supporters to Afghanistan [More]

That no doubt explains why he wants our guns along with the rest of these traitors.

[Via Michael G]


Anonymous said...

OK, so if we're suggesting something like that, I'd like to suggest we deport the General, and anyone else who approves of Biden's "stampede for the exits" strategy.

Based on recent polling, I'm gonna bet the Trump supporters will outnumber the "cut and run" supporters. And so, if we're going to be the democracy the Democrats want us to be, guess which group gets to stay and which group gets the "bum's rush"?

Hey, General, need any help packing?

Anonymous said...

Hayden and his old pal Poindexter should be on the next probe to the Sun.
Scurrilous bastards all.