Tuesday, August 10, 2021

I Wouldn't Start Feeling Invulnerable Quite Yet

 'Ghost Gun' Bans Are Doomed from the Start - The DIY firearms movement specifically evolved to put personal armaments beyond the reach of the government. [More]

Yes, but when you go from "a nation of laws" to "a nation of edicts," a whole new dynamic takes over.

[Via DDS]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Back in the day, "Thunder Road" was one of my favorite movies.

Before Prohibition was even a bad idea, American's made and smuggled whiskey. There was even a brief tussle over it at one point.

During Prohibition, more people took up smuggling.

After Prohibition was over, some took to NASCAR. Others just kept smuggling

"Adapt, improvise, evade, smuggle." --Mike Vanderboegh

A certain percentage of us always have.

More of us can and will learn.

Its one of the most enduring things on this planet, and maybe a few others.

"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." -- Princess Leia in "Star Wars"