Wednesday, September 08, 2021

The Living Dictionary

 The CDC Just Made an Orwellian Change to the Definition of ‘Vaccine’ and ‘Vaccination' [More]


Besides, if ATF can change the definition of "machinegun"...

[Via Michael G]


Henry said...

Are you as ready to change the definition of "impeachment" as I am?

Anonymous said...

The CDC is only one example of governments and government agencies at all levels. They want our trust, but do not want to be tied to our definition of "trustworthy."

They want to write rules, have us live by the rules, but change the wording of the rules when it becomes more convenient for them to do so.

The example of Orwell's "1984" cited in the original article is the gold standard of examples.

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength."

One need only look at the back room machinations of the BATFE for enough examples to write a book on the topic. And people have.

One doesn't have to look very far to find the oh so predictable results.

"Public trust in government remains low. Only about one-quarter of Americans say they can trust the government in Washington to do what is right “just about always” (2%) or “most of the time” (22%)."