Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Double Threat

 Soros Behind Prosecution Of Rape Victim’s Father [More]

So in addition to being a domestic terrorist, he's an anti-Semite?

[Via Jess]


Henry said...

Well he's "behind" this prosecution only to the extent that he bought and paid for dozens of Marxist prosecutors who were likely to pursue shit cases like this one, and he's getting his money's worth.
Frankly, the only difference between Soros and a lot of us is that he knew his recipients were domestic enemies when he donated to them.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind George Soros is not out to wreck some rape victim's daddy. He didn't get to be one of the richest men in the world by playing penny ante poker. George Soros is out to wreck the United Sates of America.