Friday, October 01, 2021

Priorities Being What They Are

 The influencer has more than 2million followers on TikTok, where he shared videos of himself lip syncing and dancing, and more than 757,000 on Instagram [More]

I give up on even trying to figure it out, but note that it may be advantageous to have softer targets out there when what such a culture is making inevitable finally happens.

Hey, cannibals gotta eat, too.

[Via Steve T


Henry said...

1. Kills three other people in a brainless, criminal car crash.
2. Pictured with angel wings, like George Floyd.
This is your new replacement culture, America.

Anonymous said...

How does one enter the heights of click thru zillionaire 'influencers'?

Billy Mays had to work at selling schlock for his daily bread.