Tuesday, November 23, 2021

A Taxing Proposition

The instances of a single individual accumulating many weapons could be reduced by making the first purchase of a gun tax free and then imposing an incremental tax on subsequent purchases. However, the increase would have to be substantial, perhaps in increments of 10 percent per weapon. Under such an approach, by the time a buyer reaches a certain number of purchases, the amount of tax could potentially reach at least one-half of the firearm’s value. [More]

Nope, no incentive for creating a violent black market run by cartels there...

Theoretical eggheads like this never were that tuned into real-world ointment flies.

Hey, remember when Steve Forbes told gun owners he was a pal they could count on?

[Via Michael G]


Anonymous said...

And is so doing run smack up against several SCOTUS decisions that a fee or tax cannot be imposed on the exercise of a civil right.

Murdock v. Pennsylvania (1943)

Harper v. Virginia State Board of Elections (1966)

Bradlley A Graham said...

The War on Guns will be as successful as the War on Drugs.....