Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Remember the Kid Who Used to Tattle to the Teacher?

NBC News Supplies YouTube a List of Videos to Delete & Channels to Demonetize [More]

They're leaving no stone unturned in their fanatical obsession to destroy voices that don't amplify theirs.

Nodding and laughing, the "Authorized Journalist" comes across as understanding and accomodating, doesn't he? The reason I typically decline to speak with agents of the DSM is that my default assumption is they're out to destroy sources they disagree with, not protect them.


UPDATE - And no sooner do I get done posting the above than this comes in:
The New York Times Is Protected by Freedom of the Press. So Is James O'Keefe. The newspaper wrongly implies that press freedom is limited to "real" journalists. [More]
That's why I call 'em The Newsraper of Record.

[Via Michael G]

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