Thursday, December 16, 2021

Ever Notice How 'Commonsense Safety Laws' Imposed by Zealots Always Turn Into Bans?

 Islamic Republic of Iran considers nationwide ban on ‘unclean, un-Islamic’ dogs [More]

Here's what that attitude makes inevitable:

Instances of people being attacked by stray dogs have also fueled calls for restrictions…

Fortunately, at least for the Mullahs, Iran has plenty of Imams Demand Action-style "commonsense gun safety laws," like background checks, licensing, and registration...

I've talked before on occasion about how as a boy I lived in Iran for five years (that's me on the top left). We called such wild dogs "jube dogs" (jubes being ditches along the side of the road) and there were packs of them all over the place. The government actually did a mass "roundup" while we were there.

I used to ride my bike all over the place with my Daisy BB rifle strapped to my shoulder, and a few times had to discourage an aggressive animal from approaching with a well-placed shot to its body.

My point is I did this in the Shah's Iran and nobody bothered me... Had my own sons tried riding around the neighborhood with a BB gun when they were of similar age and we were living in Redondo Beach, CA, you can bet there would have been a multiple car "Only Ones" response. 

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