Thursday, December 16, 2021

Resistance is Futile, You Will Be Assimilated

 Beware Prophecies of Civil War - The idea that such a catastrophe is unavoidable in America is inflammatory and corrosive. [More]

He makes it seem like the people resisting infringements are the ones responsible for starting things.

Then again, consider the source.

UPDATE: Charles M. Blow from "the newsraper of record" once more does what his name suggests.

[Via bondmen]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There once was an ocean liner that was regarded as unsinkable. As a result, it carried a compliment of lifeboats insufficient to carry the passengers and crew. Later examinations, in the light of 20/20 hindsight, showed the the riveted iron plate construction of the hull would be prone to leaks if it suffered impact damage, and that the supposedly watertight compartments didn't in fact have any tops. so as one compartment filled the seawater could flow over its top and into the next. History recorded the cause of its sinking as a collision with an iceberg but a contributing cause was surely hubris: a belief by its designers and builders that they had designed and constructed a ship the ocean could not sink.

In a similar way, those who are convinced that another civil war in the USA is impossible, and therefore recklessly do things that risk causing one, are making mistakes similar to the ones that cost the lives of many of RMS Titanic's passengers and crew.

One should remember that general Gage did not think the colonists would go to war in 1775. And many in the North thought that the South did not dare secede.

Twain said that history doesn't repeat, but it does occasionally rhyme.