Thursday, March 10, 2022

Stop Me if You've Heard This One Before

 Because your elected officials are afraid of being on the record, leadership protects them by stuffing things they don’t think will pass on its own merits into what is known as the annual omnibus bill, or omni for short. One would think because negotiations have been ongoing for years, politicians would wise-up to the fact no one wants gun control. Rather than listening to you, they would rather stuff VAWA into this upcoming omni and claim they had to vote for it to fund everything our government does. [More]

Half a loaf is better than none.

Politics is the art of the possible.

The perfect is the enemy of the good.

[Insert name] is a staunch defender of the Second Amendment.

1 comment:

Ken Windeler said...

For some reason I did not receive, or I missed that alert. Well so far at least my congressman didn't vote for it, but I sent the messages anyway.