Thursday, March 10, 2022

Don't Peepee in the Subway, Darlin'

Passenger caught urinating on NYC subway as commuters seem unfazed [More]

Disgusting. Intolerable.

Collectivist government policies and planning force people out of their private transport and into filthy and dangerous public "accommodations" alongside diseased maniacs, unfit to live outside of custodial care, who push the unwary onto tracks, smear poop on them, stab them, attack them and otherwise accost them.

All the while, self-defense is forbidden.

The "victims" vote for more and reserve a special fear of and contempt for anyone who would try to live armed and free.

This is no way for a civilization to survive.


Anonymous said...

What would Bernie Goetz say?

Henry said...

Not, 'help! Help!," like Kitty Genovese.