Monday, April 16, 2007

Dear Abby, Dear Abby, My Fountain Pen Leaks...*

I don't know what to do, and aside from whether or not my parents would approve, and all other logistical/material concerns aside, I'm not really sure whether I should buy a gun.--Sane Gun Lover
Why not say that, as interesting and psychically rich as our twisted Southern heritage is, it's time to retire the guns.--Cary Tennis
Gun Lover, Gun Lover
You have no complaint
You are what you are and you ain't what you ain't
So listen up Buster, and listen up well
Tell hoplophobe Cary to go straight to hell

Oh, and while you're at it, stop being such a nihilistic emo wuss. You come off like the Goth kids on South Park.

* With apologies to John Prine

[Via Dan Gifford]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just came back inside after stepping outside to throw up. There are really people out there that stupid, I can't decide which one is the more idiotic, the writer of the letter or the writer of the response. What a couple of pure morons, I am amazed that people this dumb can even dress themselves.