Friday, December 14, 2007

Just Like a Deer in the Headlights

Alvin Police Chief Mike Merkel said there are three things shoppers need to know if they are trapped in a chaotic shooting situation inside a mall.

First, stand still.

"They're going to pick out individuals who are running to or away from them," Merkel said. "Standing still may keep you from becoming a victim."

That's your best advice, get all wide-eyed and paralyzed? That's what you train your "Only Ones" to do in fluid tactical situations, right, Chief?

And how about that mall management, providing "complimentary" security escorts "as requested"? I wonder if one of their $9/hr. rent-a-cops will be ready to throw himself between my family and an armed assailant?

Facts folks: there is no one-size-fits-all procedure to follow, and the Chief ought to know better than to issue authoritative pronouncements without knowing what the hell he's talking about. We know from experience that a moving target is harder to hit, as is one that puts distance between himself and the shooter, and that even if hit, the likelihood of sustaining a fatal wound is decreased. We know that diving for cover can offer brief shelter, but that assumes a stationary shooter not hunting down prey--which, if we look at Virginia Tech and Columbine, just isn't the way these things go down.

Here are two other things we know: by the time Chief Merkel's finest are in position to engage the madman, the brunt--if not all--of the killing will have been done.

That and the only proven deterrent to a shooter is shooting back.

[Via Mack]


Creatively Armed said...

I shot the Chief a quick email saying that was some pretty stupid advice and basically reiterated what you said about getting distance. I also said that if an armed civilian is around you don't want a bunch of people standing in the way of what would probably be a clean shot.

Rustmeister said...

Yeah, that's the dumbest crap I've heard In a while.

Next, he'll be saying a moving target is easier to hit than a stationary one.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows psychos and hunters can only see movement! It's like a t-rex.

M1Thumb said...

You forgot to mention that in position (in recent history) means "ducking for cover behind trees outside the building."

Anonymous said...

"First, stand still.

Second, make yourself as small a target as possible.

[Third]Get as close to the ground as you can,"

--Alvin Police Chief Mike Merkel

Oh like these families did:

Photo of Jewish families being led to their execution at Misocz

Complying and cowering is not a plan.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure his last name isn't Merkin?

Anonymous said...

The Chief Merkel STOP method:
S-stay still
T-try to make yourself small
O-Open your pack of smokes and light one.
P-Pray that they publish a nice picture with your obituary