Friday, December 14, 2007

I'm Tired

I am tired of spineless legislators who are so afraid of the gun lobby that they won't vote to ban assault weapons. I am tired of hearing that "guns don't kill people...I am tired of having 3 million Americans who refuse to consider any compromise on the possession and use of guns...
Who does Gail Schoettler think she is: Lili Von Schtupp?


Anonymous said...

Only 3 million? More like 60 million.

[I know the NRA says 80 million, but I can't find any support for that number.]

Anonymous said...

Nice Blazing Saddles reference!

So allow me to retort.

When it come to the theory behind gun control, Governor William J. Le Petomane said it best: "We've gotta protect our phoney baloney jobs, gentlemen!"


Anonymous said...

Gail Schoettler: "...I am tired of having 3 million Americans who refuse to consider any compromise on the possession and use of guns..."

pn nj: "Only 3 million? More like 60 million."

From what I see, 3 million (who won't compromise) is an overestimation -- we should be so lucky. There might be 60 million gun _owners_ (or 80 million) but almost all of them, and many of the 3 million in the NRA, are not only willing to compromise, they are eager to do so.

The best that can be said about them was said by Sam Adams over two hundred years ago: "Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

chris horton said...

"Of course, we're not the only ones."
Does this mean that an "authorized journalist" is finally getting what you've been saying? Nice reference,huh! That's stealing isn't it?? plagiarism,maybe?!

Anonymous said...

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

I marvel at the "magical thinking" of these liberals who are convinced, not just beyond reasonable doubt, but beyond all doubt, that somehow, some way, the act of a bunch of old men and women signing pieces of paper hundreds or even thousands of miles away will mystically change human nature and cause people not to attack each other.

Liberal advanced technology. Is there anything it can't do?

Anonymous said...

I just had to comment on "Miss Shittier's" article. I advised her to read Jeffry R Snyder's essay entitled "A Nation of Cowards"

Anonymous said...

gr8 essay smokey, THANKS