Sí Se Puede! With a clenched fist for emphasis! (I wish Barack Obama would stop encroaching on John McCain's and Mike Huckabee's turf.)
Yes you can...what?
For most, it's all about slogans and feeling good, and the vacuous celebrities lending their dubious talents to this video prove the point. Between the production itself and most of the comments, this is like concentrated stupid.
If you want to prove it to yourself, ask a random Obama supporter to name one concrete accomplishment of his that falls within the legitimate Consitutionally-enumerated powers of a senator. You'll probably get something back like "He cares..."
And "We want change!"
It is change for change's sake. It's preposterous to me. I read an article linked via drudge about the ObamaFever being like a cult. And it really is.
It's amazing to me to hear how the followers of Obama are called "inspired" and the "followers" of Ron Paul are called "paulites, truthers, nutjobs" etc...
What a sad state of affairs our Country is in. I want change too. I want my .223 ammo to change back to pre-Clinton era pricing. :)
It's the same argument we heard when John Kerry ran. They didn't want Kerry . . no one could name his accomplishments either. They wanted anyone but Bush.
I don't worry so much when I hear gun grabbers, or the brainwashed, call Paul supporters those names. I do worry when I hear the pro-gun community utilising the same terminology.
Go to Glocktalk and read through the disgustingly anti-paul rhetoric. I have been blasted repeatedly. It is disgusting and just makes me cringe.
I've said it before, Stephen, I just cannot stomach the gun boards.
Substituting one socialist turd for another doesn't qualify as change to me.... but what do I know?
As for the gun boards... there is too much cop-glorification on them for me to stomach.
If all they want is change, I'm sure we can all pitch in a few thousand copper-clad zinc Lincolns for their hand-out needs.
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