Friday, February 08, 2008

Paul Names Foreign Policy Advisor

Regarding the campaign, Professor Pape said, “Ron Paul's campaign is making a lasting contribution to the security of the United States and its allies. Indeed, I often tell audiences ‘Ron Paul has the right foreign policy to safeguard America.'"
Here's more on Pape, as well as bio sumaries for foreign policy team members Ivan Eland and Leon Hadar.

This has been the subject of much discussion here at WarOnGuns, where foreign policy in general, and the Iraq war in particular, have been raised as sticking points. I found this analysis from another post's comments thoughtful and compelling, and agree with most of what the writer had to say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GOA on the McQuisling:

"John McCain has actively worked against the Second Amendment and self-defense during his time in Congress. He also has been a spokesman for gun grabbers during state initiative campaigns," said the three top officers of Gun Owners of America - Founder and Chairman Sen. H. L. Richardson (ret.), Vice-Chairman Tim Macy and Executive Director Larry Pratt. "John McCain's so-called 'Straight Talk Express' will derail if he attempts to con gun owners into thinking that he is really their man. If he had wanted the support of gun owners, and conservatives in general, McCain should have thought about that before chalking up his long string of unacceptable votes and initiatives.