Friday, December 19, 2008

We're the Only Ones Cruella De Vil Enough

Add a two-year-old Dalmation to the ranks of dogs gunned down by police officers who considered themselve to be in "imminent danger" when the cops had no business being where they were to begin with.
I wonder if the "Only Ones" have enough to make a fur coat with yet? Ya think?

If you haven't bookmarked fellow J.D. Tuccille's Civil Liberties site, you're missing out on some of the most insightful commentary out there.


Anonymous said...

The homeowner puts it spot on! If you were watching the house in question for three months. How could you have raided the wrong house.
One of two things: They lied about watching the house to get the warrent. Or they really are that stupid. Wait!!!! It could be both, they are stupid and liars both.

me said...

Funny how police dogs are used against people and they have no choice but to be attacked and maimed but these stinking cowards can shoot at first sight.

The wrong animals are caged these days.

j said...

I think it is just jealousy - the two legged sons of bitches were jealous because they could never hope to be as attractive as the Dalmatian. Can these gutless bastards not find anything else to do with their tiem, like... fight crime? OH - no, of course not - they might chip a fingernail or stain their panties. Silly me!