Friday, December 19, 2008

We're the Only Ones Who Won't Be Spoken Ill of Enough

Sheriff’s deputies and county Protective Service officers arrested two men and two women in the middle of the meeting when they stood and applauded a speaker who criticized Arpaio.
At the next meeting, have someone speak in his praise, and have a few people stand up and applaud. See what happens.

Either way though, we need to understand that only "Only Ones" can express their sentiments at government meetings, which are there to "secure the blessings of Liberty." We can't have extremists thinking "governments derive their just powers" from just anyone.

[Via Lane]


Joel said...

At the next meeting, have someone speak in his praise, and have a few people stand up and applaud. See what happens.

Unnecessary as it turns out, David. Though it wasn't Arpaio getting the applause, the city "only ones" demonstrated their applause policy at that very meeting:

A double standard clearly was in effect during the Board of Supervisors meeting Wednesday. At one point, public-transit advocate Blue Crowley used part of his public-comment time allotment to sing a birthday song to Kunasek. Kunasek blushed and several people applauded, but none was ordered to leave or threatened with arrest.

However, Kunasek, deputies and security officers refused to tolerate applause after the anti-Arpaio speech minutes later.

CCK said...

That's because Arpaio is a brownshirted publicity hound.
This is a man who on his the promos for his new "reality" tv show says he wants to "put these fugitives behind bars.
Yet in Maricopa County we have 40-45 Thousand felony warrants outstanding.

He only wants them behind bars if it means tv time for him!


Anonymous said...

To this day, Arpaio remains a hero to entirely too many conservatives.

Ends justify the means?