Monday, February 07, 2011

Reason Fails

I agree. [Read]

So all that's left is to warn you off like we would any other lunatic who won't take "No" for an answer.


Defender said...

Interesting, how now *20*-round magazines are "extreme." The semi-auto ban prohibited rifle mags OVER 20 rounds, but"allowed" 20-rounders.
They're never gonna stop. The local Authorized Journalists say "take all the semi-autos."
You know, the reporters laugh at the editorial writers, who they see as conservative troglodytes. EXCEPT when the editorialists also favor statism.

Pat H. said...

Interesting that they're so fearful of commenters on that article that they require a credit card check prior to accepting them.

That alone demonstrates their irrationality.

The other indicator is, "is pissing off 100 million gun owners a good idea"?

Anonymous said...

Reason? What's reasonable about their incessant demands that WE roll over and let THEM legislate away our rights whenever some clown decides to bust some caps?

We PEACEABLE gun owners committed no crime that day in Tuscon, we bear no responsibility for the actions of a deranged lunatic, and we certainly will not roll over in shame while they take our freedom away one step at a time. The answer is "NO"!