Monday, February 07, 2011

Californians call for tighter gun restrictions in light of Arizona shootings

Of course they do. [Read]

And yeah, I know, not all of them.

But enough to keep these domestic enemies in office.


zach said...

I never understood how California was lost to the enemy. The northeast makes some sense. Much of it was intensely loyalist back in the war for independence and since then there have been many, many immigrants from places that are accustomed to intense tyranny. CA was tamed by frontiersman with lots of rural country to explore. Now it's one of the top 5 most unfree states in the country.

Ken Hagler said...

Zach, it's a combination of fear of Black men with guns (the Black Panther Party) and blatant political corruption (you can carry a gun as long as you're really rich and share the wealth with your county sheriff).

In reality, the only people you'll see carrying guns openly in California are cops. Too bad they're above the law; I wouldn't mind seeing them banned from carrying while on the job...

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the leadership of the "only ones" have endorsed this bill. Perhaps it is time to treat EVERYONE EQUALLY UNDER THE LAW. If loaded gun on MY HIP is bad, what makes a loaded gun on a cop any less bad? After all, the POLICE conspired with dictators to kill over 170 MILLION PEOPLE in the 20th century. If anything, arming people OTHER THAN THE POLICE makes us all safer - from them.