Monday, December 24, 2012

Celebrity Demands

While the NRA takes aim at Hollywood for promoting violence, more than two-dozen A-list celebs fired back today with a new YouTube video demanding a plan to reign in gun crime. [Watch] 
There's only one appropriate response to these vacuous, over-privileged dilettantes, and Skip Coolzip's got it.


Robert Fowler said...

What a bunch of hypocrites. The make millions using guns in their movies and videos and yet they think I should be disarmed. I've never shot anyone in 50 years of enjoying the shooting sports. So they would punish me for someone else's malfunction.

DJMoore said...

Needs to be kept front and center:

This vile spew is the work of Mayor Bloomies-in-a-wad and his Illegal Mayors Against Guns.

Comments are disabled on the original video. Of course; Reasoned Discourse must be maintained.