Thursday, November 17, 2005

Alcohol, Guns Shouldn't Mix...

...unless it's at an FBI range and they're partying with pro football players.

Before the players left the barbecue, a fight broke out between Bears center Olin Kreutz and offensive tackle Fred Miller, who broke his jaw. At the same time, Miller allegedly slugged Kreutz with a 5-pound weight, which required Kreutz to get 13 stitches in his head.

Conveniently, another account says the Bureau has opened an "internal investigation," meaning it is in full damage control mode and any information meted out to the press will be carefully crafted and spun.

Far be it for a lowly tax slave to question what benefit We the People receive from barbecues with celebrities--it looks like the cover was giving the team terrorist training--and we all know that can't be done without ribs and beer.

It also looks like the first accounting of the story to the media was a lie. And it looks like the lie was "concocted" to protect the agent who "volunteers" with the team (and just happens to get sideline game access and who knows what other exclusive access privileges?).

The true point of the story: If anyone aside from law enforcement and the connected elite was involved in this, people would be in jail right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is just so much wrong with this, where do you start?

Why do Bears players get to go shoot FBI guns at an FBI facility? I doubt that is policy regarding the general public. If it has to do with anti-terrorism training, shouldn't there have been some ordinary fans there? You know the people at most risk at a game?

Why do Bears players get to go shoot FBI guns in a metropolitan area where even ownership of guns is mostly banned?

Why weren't there any FBI agents there at the time of the altercation? Do they often go off and leave civilians with the run of the facility?

Why is this not a criminal investigation? Crimes were committed.

Why was booze there when it is banned from the premises?

And lastly, who is stupid enough to believe the Fibber Bunched Idiots?