Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Federal Agent Shoots the Beaver

Hey, I'm just reporting what happened.


Nicki said...

At least he didn't eat it.

Sorry... I had to!

Anonymous said...

And they say we conservative gun-nuts don't have a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

Intersting how, when a "federal wildlife control marksman" shoots a beaver it was "euthanized" but when a hunter does so it was simply "killed" or "shot".

I wonder how many years of hunting qualifies one to apply for a position as a "federal wildlife control marksman" and what the pay scale for the position is.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I really DO know how to spell "interesting"...just got in a hurry.

Anonymous said...

Their money warrants killing it. On your land where it is only your money and where he may have dammed up a creek and flooded your pasture, you could go to jail for killing him and draining a "wetland".

Not to mention the license and permits and tags etc. if, IF you can get them.