Saturday, June 17, 2006

We're the...Hey, Teresa, Is This Yours...?

When two escapees from the DC Jail were still on the loose, police raided a home on W street Northwest. They didn't find the suspects. But in that home, they found a gun that looked awfully familiar.

It was a Glock 17, reported stolen earlier this year by DC police Lt. Teresa Brown in the Fourth District. And guess where the gun was reported stolen from? The Fourth District police station.
Honest, I don't set out each morning looking for these stories, I just kind of trip over them while out foraging for material...

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to watch the females in the Army in Germany,during the 70s and 80s,arrive and haul out their lists of things they wouldn't,or couldn't do. Change a truck tire.Fire a gun.Pull guard duty.Had to have "special" meals.Don't put me on duty with "that" guy(used to go out with me,but now I can't stand him).Then came actual field duty and the fun really begins.It's too cold/hot/wet/dry/.I forgot my field gear(that's funny,I checked everyones'gear,including yours,before we left,and you had it then)I'm pregnant/on my period/lonely/not trained for that/this/something like that/lied on my enlistment application/too tired/won't do it/you can't make me. I'm all fer equality. Maybe someday, women will start treating men as equals and START DOING THEIR DAMNED JOBS TOO. PS. Nicki,never saw you in the peformance of your job,so as far as I know you were a good soldier. But you were in the minority.