Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Teaching the 2nd Amendment

It is time to demand that our nation's education system duly recognize our Bill of Rights and teach the Second Amendment according to its true intent.
I agree in spirit, but our nation really shouldn't have an education system in the first place.

As for at the state level, separation of school and state would suit me just fine--right now, with confiscatory taxes to pay for educating others and sustaining collectivist teachers union monopolies, and with compulsory attendance in mandated Second Amendment-free zones, the entire corrupt system is inevitably one big inmate-conditioning hive.


Anonymous said...

Ah, but I slay all those dragons at the dining room table, at the park, tucking them in at night, on the way to school, working in the yard, garage, etc, whispering in their ears, stating it plainly to them, showing them the facts. I undermine what is taught at school every single day and night. They're mine, and they will grow up free minded and freedom oriented men.

Jay said...

Thank God that homeschooling is still legal - at least for a few more years.

Anonymous said...

Well said, David!