Monday, August 21, 2006

Someone Has Daddy Issues

My dad and his friends maintained a ludicrous fantasy that their possession of guns was in some way preventing a foreign invasion or discouraging some sort of internal coup...Guns have no place in an advanced society...

The Los Angeles Times has published three letters in response to Jenny Price's latest hit piece on gun owners.

Try not to point and laugh at the third letter writer, Lee Trumble. Pathetic. What a disappointment he must be to his father.


nicolas said...

If guns have no place, then I'm sure the police won't have any qualms with turning theirs in...

Anonymous said...

Somewhat, I'm sure, like the ludicrous fantasy that the people who fought the War for Independence had at Lexington and Concord. And Breeds Hill. And Saratoga. Advanced Society? You mean those destroyed inner cities, full of AIDS infested cretins, drug addicts, and criminals? The one that stands idly by while millions invade it from the south? Or that disrobes grandma at airports while sneering about racial profiling? The advanced society that pours billions every year into pornography and decries pedophiles and rapists almost in the same breath? Where sodomites, socialists, and drunks toast each other as members of Congress and urinate on every attempt of the people to get them to listen to their concerns? Oh, THAT Advanced Society! The one that is at the end of it's life cycle and is just hanging around waiting for the barbarians at it's gates and within them to make up their minds how they're going to gobble their mindless, gutless, spiritless host.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you let your son play with dolls.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you let your son play with dolls.

Hmmm. What happens when we let our daughters play with guns?


Michael Price said...

"If guns have no place, then I'm sure the police won't have any qualms with turning theirs in..."

Not to mention the army.