Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We're the Only Ones Gunfighting Enough

A shooting Wednesday night raises new interest and concerns over concealed weapons permits.

Little Rock Police say 56 year old Samuel Mitchell shot and killed a man who was pointing a gun at him and demanding his truck...

But Lt. Terry Hastings with the Little Rock Police Department warns not all incidents turn out like the one Wednesday night, “This is not the Old West where we have quick draws...”
Since we're obviously too incompetent to know when it's appropriate to defend ourselves, we can count on you or some other "Only One" to be on scene to make that judgment for us, right, Terry?

[Thanks to HZ]


Ken said...

I know you're bein' rhetorical, David, but on the off chance someone wanders by who might benefit by the knowledge, I'll just tack on a note that Gonzales v. Castle Rock settled that issue.

David Goodyear said...

Being as police officers point guns at citizens everyday, for various inappropriate reasons in cluding taking their vehicles, the Lt. is probably afraid of the public also recognizing this amazing parallel in criminal activity.


Anonymous said...

"raises new interest and concerns...."?????

What???? From CARJACKERS R US???

What Idiot would think this is a reason for re-examining the impetus for ccw? STUPID COPS R US????