On this day in 1781, British General Charles Cornwallis formally surrenders 8,000 British soldiers and seamen to a French and American force at Yorktown, Virginia, bringing the American Revolution to a close.
I wonder how many Americans will know this, and will celebrate it as one of the most important dates in our history? I wonder how many schools will teach this, as opposed to anti-American subversion?
If you have children, ask them when they get home from school today. If no one said anything, a note to the history teacher might be in order.
I'm almost through with 1776. If I believed in things like required reading, it would be high on my list. The sacrifices made on behalf of liberty and the near-impossible odds overcome should fill us all with awe, and should fill most of us with shame.
How evil are those those monsters who would rob us of our heritage. How contemptible are those cowards and fools who would let them.
"How evil are those those monsters who would rob us of our heritage...."
One could even look at them as BEAST-like, if one leaned to that understanding. Which I do. Children of hell, or 'minions' of hell seems the most appropos term, to me anyways.
Thank you, David. I didn't know that and should. I will now.
Today is my wife's birthday. While we both like history, I am more avid than she, her favorite period to study and learn about is the Revolutionary Period of American history.
I followed the link, so she could read the entire item. She appreciated that you provided it. So do I.
I have read 1776 and it is good. It is not as good as I had expected due to the lavish praise heaped on it, but it is good. Perhaps I let the hype cause unfullfillable expectations. However, it is worth reading over and over. I hope he does a 1777,et al. Why not? I can put some books in the closet to make room.
I did manage a post or two on the affair. Kudos to your post, so many Americans even care, you are correct sir!
Living is VA helps facilitiate such posts :-)
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