Sunday, December 03, 2006

Questions & Answers

Would stricter gun laws save lives?


How can we stop rise in gun crime?


Well, I'm glad that's settled.

[Via Cousin G]


E. David Quammen said...

Yeah, but you're using logic, David. And we all know how ineffective that is, when employed on government or anti-gun types. They don't even pay attention to "the Laws of Nature and of Natures God".

Anonymous said...

What's with this Martie Salt Moron? Everything claimed by the drooling Brady idiot is taken as gospel, what little there was claimed by an NRA person, questioned and supposedly refuted. And, the gun in the home is more likely to kill you BS. This time it is only three times more dangerous, usually it is 44 times or, lately, 17 times. These pure imbeciles are going to drive me to drinking.

me said...

I guess the likelihood of a gun in the house killing you is dropping...I guess with more gun bans the criminals are doing a better job at killing you with stolen guns, or the government is doing it for them.

I don't know if I'd go drinking with an imbecile.