Monday, April 23, 2007

O Happy Dagger!

Nicki has some words of disbelief over Yale University banning stage props that look like weapons from campus theatrical productions. This should make for some interesting Shakespeare, as evidenced by these "before and after" representations of his Roman tragedy, Coriolanus.

I wonder if Betty Trachtenberg realizes what an idiot this makes her look like? Probably not.

Flatlanders, by definition, are oblivious to the existence of other dimensions.


Anonymous said...

I had a silly but prescient about we put bright orange coatings on the flash hiders on our evil black rifles so people think they are just airsofts and aren't scared of us at the rifle range or when hunting?

Turnabout is fair play.

Kent McManigal said...

I doubt it would work since the morons are scared of toy guns, too.