California Rep. Bob Filner was facing charges Monday for allegedly assaulting an airline worker at Dulles International Airport after becoming upset that his luggage had not arrived at a baggage carousel.
Do you think his juvenile proclivity for resorting to violence when he doesn't get his way may explain his GOA rating?

He is a perfect example of projection. He cannot trust himself, but rather than admit he is inferior to those who can, he attempts to force others to share the consequences of his inability to control himself.
But still he received preferential treatment. Else he would not have continued his trip, but would have kissed the floor, been handcuffed and taken to jail to face arraignment on violation of TSA regs.
Straightarrow - you nailed it.
Check out the anti self-defense crowd, their articles and the comments that follow.
The antis believe that guns are only for killin' folks.
Take the recent Jodie Foster interview. She appears to believe that everyone can become unhinged and if they have access to a gun will go on a murdering rampage.
It's no wonder that people who can't control themselves regarding a small inconvenience don't want others to have access to the tools that they believe that they themselves would misuse.
Bad as he is as a legislator, this was not assault he pushed through the outstreached arm of an airline employee to find his bag.
Uh, yeah,legally that's an assault.
And if you or I had done it, we'd have spent the night in the slammer.
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