Saturday, September 15, 2007

This Day in History: September 15

In future, whenever the men are formed for action, the Serjeants are to be placed in the ranks, on the flanks of subdivisions, that the benefit of their fire may not be lost. The Brigadiers and Officers commanding regiments are also to post some good officers in the rear, to keep the men in order; and if in time of action, any man, who is not wounded, whether he has arms or not, turns his back upon the enemy, and attempts to run away, or to retreat before orders are given for it, those officers are instantly to put him to death. The man does not deserve to live, who basely flies, breaks his solemn engagements, and betrays his country.


Anonymous said...

Pretty good description of the duties of file closers. Not everyone knows that,

Anonymous said...

pretty much tells you how they would treat the present Congress, doesn't it?