Saturday, September 15, 2007

Thompson Speaks Against Gun Control

"I do not think that abrogating Second Amendment rights is a good idea," the Republican said at the Versailles restaurant in Little Havana.

That's great, Fred, and I agree. As a follow-up, I'd like to see you answer this question.

And I'd like to see gun owners take a moment to help get the question put to all the candidates.

[Via Dave Licht]


Anonymous said...

O.K., I did it, David, We'll see if the Communist News Network puts it up. Also, I put my 2 cents in on the PDRK's "ballistic fingerprint" bill.

Anonymous said...

I don't trust him, David, and this is why.

Anonymous said...

The enemy of the good is the best.

Maybe while you people who are waiting for the perfect, strict constitutionalist candidate to get the vote, RINOs like Guiliani will keep getting elected becasue you are too busy voting for people like Paul (who is the clear choice for freedom and our nearly ideal candiadate).

Thompson is the best pro-gun, conservative who actually has a chance of winning to come on the scene in a long time.

Anonymous said...

Bull. Constitutionalist candidates like Paul will keep losing because people like you are too cowardly to support him for fear that someone like Ghoul-iani will win.

Thompson is not "pro-gun." He is pro-Federal control, and has shown that he has no problem voting against gun rights.