Saturday, October 06, 2007

Rudy on Gun Lawsuits

In his own words.

I note some are priming gun owners to accept him as a lesser of two evils based on SCOTUS nomination concerns. These are generally people whom I have found have no line in the sand.

[Via Michael R]


Anonymous said...

Rudy is a "heelbiter".. Like any cowardly dog who bullies, bites, and brutalizes smaller less powerful dogs, he will sniff your hand,wag his tail, begs your affection until you turn your back, then he bites you from behind.

It would be a terrible mistake to grant him any power or authority over anyone. I see not one whit of difference between him and any of the worst candidates, including Hillary Clinton. He is not the lesser evil, he is just the better posing evil of the same magnitude.

Anonymous said...

[b]Rifleman wrote:[/b]

It's important! When Bush 41 ran against Clinton, I had the feeling Clinton was worse, even with the treachery that Bush had shown to gunowners. However when Bush 41 slandered the NRA and gunowners in general after the Oklahoma City Bombing, and like a big baby resigned his life memebership from the NRA, I regretted voting for him tremendously and vowed never to do it again. After all, the Clinton AWb went away, Bush's is still with us. Al Gore was worse, but if I had known Bush 43 had promised to sign the renewal for the AWb, I wouldn't have voted for him either. I heard Rove purposely pushed Bush towards gun control because he took the gun vote for granted, and under Bush 43, gun control, with a couple of exceptions, has gotten worse. We had the FAL parts seizures, the AK barrel being added to the import ban, the continuation of the Clinton/Bentsen FFL reduction program, and not a single gun removed from the 922 import ban. I have already vowed never to vote for McCain because of his treachery, but I haven't written off Rudy...[b]YET![/b] At the very least, we should get some really exstensive consessions and specifc campaign promises, but all the politicians just want to do is change the subject. For a Republican to take a specific stand on RKBA issues would force it into the campaign. I don't expect that to happen as usual, they all want us to shut up and vote for them.

Ken said...

Time was I would have accepted a road-to-Damascus on RKBA from Giuliani as sincere. After seeing him in action, though, I'm convinced that the only way he'll say the right thing as opposed to the tone-deaf thing will be if he's four points down to Lady Macbeth with a week and a half to go, and his commitment to RKBA would last about as long as it took to tot up the electoral votes.