Saturday, October 06, 2007


The internet just became a poorer place.


Kent McManigal said...

She is still archived here:

I miss her as well.

nicolas said...

I didn't know her page was going away. It just wasn't there one day.

Anonymous said...

...It's like my favorite Aunt died, or at lest moved to the ends of the Earth.

Fare well, Claire. Embrace the joy!

Anonymous said...

Claire's choice to end her own site apparently came about sooner than she herself had expected. She said that there were issues with the hosting service that weren't being resolved. So, fed up and wanting to be done with it all, she decided just to let the site go, as the hosting agreement was about to expire.

I miss her bigtime myself. Thank you, David, for the link to my post. Here's a second one I wrote that provides links to a bunch of other Claire pages, including Bill St. Clair's archive site mentioned above.

It's good to know that there are lots of Claire fans out here who care. Hope she'll see this sometime.