Sunday, December 09, 2007

Jim Thompson's Happy Vision

On the strength of one word in a two-year-old state law,, a gun-rights group claiming several hundred members, is working - successfully, as it turns out - to force its sad vision of how people should have to live on a number of communities, including Athens-Clarke County.
As opposed to Jim Thompson's happy vision? Just look at that idiot smile, and realize how quickly it would be wiped off his silly liberal mug if he was ever in a situation where his or his loved ones' lives depended on returning fire.

I wouldn't necessarily call that so much a sad vision as a pathetic, unmanly one.


Anonymous said...

He sounds as yellow as his teeth. I mean wow. Maybe he'll flash a smile at his assailants and make them slow down and prepare to stop.

Ed Stone said...

The sad thing about what Mr. Thompson writes is that is not "forcing" its vision on anyone. wants people to be able to choose whether to carry the means of self defense. Mr. Thompson's view, on the other hand, is to use force to put people in jail who choose to carry a weapon. WHICH SIDE IS FORCING ITS VISION ON HOW PEOPLE SHOULD LIVE ONTO OTHERS? Mr. Thompson wants to use force. I could frankly care less if Mr. Thompson carries a gun. I certainly would not put him in jail for failing to do so, but he will not grant me the same courtesy.

Mr. Thompson, please do not force you vision of how people should live on me!

Anonymous said...

The leaders of, including Ed Stone, are a force to be reckoned with. They are standing up to municipalities in Georgia who think they're above state law. The good news is the wins are adding up and will only continue. And overturning local bans in parks is just the beginning. Georgia has some of the most restrictive concealed carry laws in the nation...laws that engdanger me and my family. It will be a joyous day when we overturn them all and reclaim our rights.

Member, GeorgiaCarry.Org