Tuesday, February 26, 2008

'bout Time Somebody Noticed

Montana officials are warning that if the Supreme Court rules in the D.C. gun ban case that the right to keep and bear arms protects only state-run militias like the National Guard, then the federal government will have breached Montana's statehood contract.
Hell, they've been doing that practically since Day One. But it's nice to see people who can do something about it starting to realize it.

That statehood contract is interesting, and probably ought to be a focus point for future legal actions.

[Via ryanmguard]

UPDATE: Stan has some comments.


Turk Turon said...

If Heller loses, it will be time to consider a Constitutional Convention. Better a soft boot than a hard reset.

David Codrea said...

What makes you think those who don't respect the Constitution as it exists will respect a new set of rules--or not throw out the rules altogether and start building their utopia from scratch?

Sorry, Turk, I think a Con-Con has potential to go horribly awry.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I expect that in order to have an effective Constitutional Convention there will have to be a hard reset first.

OTOH, Heller is probably a good tripwire.