Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Common Ground

"We've had our disagreements, everybody knows it," NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday. "I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on those. We're not foolish enough to ignore the vast areas of agreement in which John McCain has been a friend to gun owners."
That must be why he is requiring them to disarm to show fealty during the perversely-named "Celebration of American Values" at the annual meeting. And I'm waiting for the first apologist to come in here with a straight face and tell me that's not his choice and not totally within the control of his orders and actions. What's his security detail gonna do--arrest him?

Guess what, gun owners--we don't have a horse in this race. You can rationalize otherwise ad nauseum and that won't change. The reason we don't have a choice is because we have allowed ourselves to be used for years and never insisted on one. The Republicans are counting on gun owners being so desperate and afraid they can present us with anything, and Wayne & Co. will help gussy it up. They've been prepping us to swallow this for some months now.

Oh, but McCain voted against the "assault weapons" ban . True, but more recently than that, he told the Los Angeles Times he "Supports ban on certain assault weapons...McCain said he was open to voting for an assault weapon ban, depending on the details."

The AP also reported "McCain favors outlawing cheaply made handguns called Saturday night specials, and favors mandating safety locks on certain guns. He said he is intrigued by new technology that electronically identifies a person handling a gun, allowing only the owner to fire it. McCain rallied Senate Republicans behind a Democratic measure requiring background checks at gun shows."

Vote for McCain and you'll be voting for "The Vote Freedom First President" on steroids. Just look at what's happening now, with Bush appointee "Pro-Gun" Mukasey running DoJ, and Bush/Kennedy/Kerry nominee "Maximum Mike" running BATFU. Yesterday's Olofson outrage happened on his "the buck stops here" watch. They're not even masking the contempt any more. They know they can rely on gun owner Judenrat "leadership" to take whatever they slop on the dish and serve it up to the membership as good for them.

And they're betting you will eat it.

UPDATE: FatWhiteMan has a copy of the Celebration of Amerikan Values disarmament edict email.

And I forgot to add: NRA could always say "No dice," too, if they wanted to. Go speak somewhere else--maybe to La Raza. That'd not only make headlines, the egg on his face would be priceless.

Courageous "gun rights leaders" would. If you think it through, he needs us worse than we need him--unless you're one of those who say we're going to "lose our gun rights," that is, surrender them with a whimper.


Anonymous said...

there's always ron paul, if he runs independent. he may not win, but at least you won't have a vote for leviathan on your conscience.

Anonymous said...

Now that Bob Barr is in the race I have someone I can vote for. None of the other three were getting my vote.

I will choose between evils as a system under which to live.

There are those who will say a vote for Barr is a vote for Obama or Clinton, whichever one happens to lie best and win the nomination. I don't care.

I really don't give a damn. I know Barr won't win. Nor will Paul, but one of them will get my vote. And when people tell me it is my fault we got tyrant A instead of tyrant B I tell them, not only no, but Hell no! The willingness to accept any tyrant who promises to harm us less than the other guy is not the same thing as patriotically voting for the guy who may actually do some good. McCain, Obama, Clinton all have a proven record of harming this country with intent.

The outrage of the Olafson case as David has labled it, and it is apt, requires every innocent man to ask himself why he would submit to trial.

I am sure there are many asking that right this minute. I am sure that some of them have decided it is no longer a mark of patriotism to submit to a corrupted system.

I do fear for the future of the people of my nation.

Anonymous said...

That should read I will "NOT" choose between evils......

Anonymous said...

I've said it before: gun owners are NOT represented at all in this race. Chicane McCain isn't getting my vote, and if that puts Hitlery or Hussein in the White House, so be it. Maybe then, that will bring about the New American Revolution that we so desperately need.

Anonymous said...

Hey, McLame! I remember a line from "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang:"

"Had your chance. Muffed it."

My vote goes to Ron Paul. If he were to somehow win because of all the people who say he doesn't have a chance VOTING FOR HIM ANYWAY, then we'd only have a hostile Congress and Justice Department and all the state legislatures to deal with.
McCain is Obama is Clinton. Don't waste a chance to make a difference, to tell them business as usual is unacceptable.

Unknown said...

The NRA should tell the secret service and McCain to piss off.

A couple of months ago, the Sikhs turned down their chance to visit the Pope because the secret service wouldn't let them in with their Kirpaans - a little daggar.

Best line: “We cannot undermine the rights and freedoms of religion in the name of security.”

That's what I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

La Pierre will never tell any politician to "piss off". He adores them and he loves to be invited to the table where he betrays his membership.

A bunch of 2A bloggers are going to the convention, I can't wait to see the spin they put on this.

I do expect a few of them to call a spade a spade, but some, in particular I think will be just fine with any restriction so long as they can claim pragmatism. "the pragmatic thing to do is to get access, if we must crawl forward on our knees without the rights of free men, we were only being practical." Actually there is only one I expect to be that blatant, but I do think we will see a lot of excuse making for voluntary submission.

Anonymous said...

I'd print out a copy of that no-guns edict and send it in the next postage-paid contribution envelope we get from the NRA, in lieu of money. Maybe a little note saying, as we always try to remember about politicians, listen to what they say but REALLY pay attention to what they DO when it matters.
By the way, in the coverage of H. Clinton's victory schmoozing last night, I have NEVER seen Secret Service agents so close to a protectee or so hawk-eyed vigilant watching a crowd of supporters. I don't think any of them blinked once.

Anonymous said...

Just saw in the paper how Lutheran bishops are concerned about jailed illegal immigrants because they're trapped in there with FELONS.
Hey, NRA, how about checking on some innocent gun owners in the slam, make sure THEY'RE not somebubba's playmate, hmm? It would involve leaving the Palace at Waples Mill Road.

Anonymous said...

" “Some of the folks [illegal immigrants] there [in the jail] **have not committed any sort of crime**,” one bishop said of detained immigrants, many of whom violated federal law by being in the country illegally. Yet they are in jail “with people who are murderers.” "

At least they're looking out for SOMEONE.

SamenoKami said...

If a conservative third party candidate racked up a lot of votes and the Republicans lost because of it, they would make a turn to the right so fast that they'd have to wear a neck brace. We've been taken for granted too long. I was promised years ago that if we gave them the House, Senate and Prez. they would turn the country around. Yeah. Right. Bite me!